
Pam 'G' 'KOFEE' Greer
Pam Greer, Pam G, Kofee, Hoodma was born and raised on Chicago's southside, around the Jeffery Manor area. Raised in a modest apartment complex with both parents, Pam G develop and interest in music at an early age by singing in the choir at Porters Chapel in Vicksburg, Mississippi. It wasnt until Pam G attended Thornton Township High School she found her niche after enrolling in Radio/TV class, where she worked on the Coach Mosel Show. After graduation, Pam G attend Western Michigan University(WMU), where she polished her craft at 89.1 WIDR. It was at WMU she met her mentor J.Reed, he was developing a show entitled The After Party(TAP) and ask Pam G to join him. Under J.Reed guidance, she interview the likes of Outkast, Alicia Keys, and Kid Capri to name a few. After returning to Chicago,Pam G took what she learned and created Tha Low Tv. The Truth Award nominee, Tha Low, a 30 minute video show with interviews and give-a-ways. Some interviews included Rick Ross, Senator Napolean Harris, DeWayne Wade of the Miami Heat to R&B crooner Avant and the list goes on. In 2005, Pam G graduated from Illinois Center for Broadcasting(ICB), now know as Illinois Media Center, earning the "Outstanding Broadcast Student Award" and "On-Air Talent,College Radio Station Award" with a GPA of 3.6. In 2011, Tha Low took a haitus due to health issues. Now back for the RONA 20 , Pam G is looking to re establish her domaince on the waves!